Bart the Zombie Cat sketch

I recently picked up a new set of Prismacolor cool grey markers and decided it was time to try them out. I like the looseness of  drawing in markers. There's something about the bluntness of a marker that keeps me from getting too finicky. So, when I read about Bart the Zombie Cat on a random Facebook thread, I thought maybe it was the right subject matter to try them out. The Prismacolors come labeled 10% grey to 90% grey but I think the colors printed on the marker are horribly misleading. From the label, most of the colors look like they will be warm grey, not cool. And the type size is so small as to be nearly illegible. So, I re-labeled them all with pink masking tape.

For this sketch, I worked light to dark and then did most of the black with a Pentel brush pen. I used a little gouache here and there for the eyes, highlights and whiskers. After working on the computer for a long while, it was nice to get loose with some actual physical materials.

You can read more about Bart the Zombie Cat here.