Seattle, and Warhol!

Emerald City Comic Con

This weekend, March 4th-6th 2011, I'll be tabling at the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle! Please find me at booth #313 at the Washington State Convention Center. I'll have plenty of new prints to check out. Last year was fantastic so I can't wait to get back. If you're out of state, start driving now and don't shave til you get there. You'll fit right in!

Emerald City Comic Con
March 4th-6th, 2011
Washington State Convention Center
Seattle, WA

On Thursday March 10th, I'll be back in San Francisco for "Warhol Reimagined" at Project One Gallery. I've got a brand new Warhol tribute painting in the show and I'm proud ot be in the line up with so many great artists. You don't want to miss this show. Here's the information:

Warhol Reimagined Project One Gallery
March 10th, 2011 – 7pm-2am
251 Rhode Island, San Francisco, CA 94103

Warhol Reimagined flyer