Toy Karma II Recap!

"I just knew that having him in the house, meant having monsters in the house", said the woman down the table from us at the back patio of Cleo's Bar and Grill.

Her husband glasped his hands on his knees, and sort of grinned and grunted at the same time. The other artists wives sighed sympathetically and my sister ordered another Jager-and-Red Bull. Thus began the pre-gallery festivities for the kaiju centric art bonanza that was "Toy Karma II"

This second installment of Toy Karma featured more than seventy artists with artwork ranging from customized vintage toys to sculpted original figures, art prints, and full-on paintings. As with the first Toy Karma show, the event took place at Rotofugi gallery in Chicago. I had some artwork in the show including an acrylic painting of "King Ghidorah" and a matching custom Max Toy Co. "Boy Karma" figure. My little sister doesn't live far from Chicago so I flew in to hang out with her and check out the show. While I was there I shot some photos and put together a little video walkthrough. Please enjoy.

Video and Photography by Josh Ellingson
Music by dep

There are more photos of Toy Karma II on my Flickr stream. More information about the artwork and the event can be found at Rotofugi's Toy Karma blog at